Posts:October 2015, workplace diversity
Social Media Content vs. Trending Topics: Three Tips to Creating Meaningful Posts
by Lucas Mohr| October 29, 2015
“Why in the world did they publish this piece of content on social media at this time?” I often ask myself this question while browsing through the social web. More often than I care to see, brands are posting content and running ad campaigns on social media that are just inappropriate during a particular moment […]
How Companies Are Using Data in Smarter Ways
by Matt Anger| October 27, 2015
I recently attended the Advertising Age Data Conference in New York. The conference brought together leading data scientists and marketers from around the country to highlight the strong connection between analytics and marketing–and how companies are using data in smarter ways to meet their business needs. My mission was simple: Explore the most effective ways […]
Three Words All Communicators Need to Know When Marketing to Moms from the M2Moms Conference
by Kelley Skoloda| October 22, 2015
The weather was perfect, the room was full and the connections were abundant when I recently attended and spoke at the largest marketing-to-moms conference in the country, M2Moms. The annual event is a terrific venue to network and trend-spot. Typically held in Chicago, the conference moved to downtown New York this year, which shifted the […]
The New Man Code
by Bill Reihl| October 20, 2015
Men are big, lumbering dopes who hate shopping, love cars and whose singular view of romance is a 4:00 PM dash to the florist the day before Valentine’s Day, right? Of course not. We all know that a stereotypical view of the modern man is as accurate–and potentially offensive–as a 1960s view of all women […]
Working the Social Web for Social Good
by Jonathan Younger| October 19, 2015
Imagine if there was a 15-year-old time capsule opened at the United Nations during their announcement of the new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) a few weeks ago. The capsule, commemorating the charter of the SDG’s predecessor, the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), would be filled with relics of yesteryear—a disposable camera, WordArt, an N’ Synch album—an […]
Virtual Reality: Five Insights for Communications Professionals
by James Berg| October 15, 2015
When Facebook recently rolled out 360-degree video capabilities on the platform, it was a reminder that Virtual Reality (VR) headsets are set to be in consumer hands in 2016. This industry has been forecasted by Digi-Capital to surpass $30 billion in revenue by 2020. So, how can/will the communications profession embrace and inevitably utilize this technology? […]