Serving up Food, Visually

tastir-logoSmart food marketers have always known we eat with our eyes first. And nothing sabotages food marketing more than bad photography or low-quality video. Food shot poorly can flat-out ruin your appetite.

I’ve always been particularly proud of the visual work Ketchum does in food. The food we have photographed and filmed in our Food Studio in San Francisco is pure art. With only the sense of sight triggered, this work makes your mouth water and your stomach rumble. The power of suggestion is set. Maybe I should order that Flat Iron. Maybe I should try that recipe.

Gone are the days of cookbooks and recipes. Show-me videos are how we cook today. You’ve likely seen these hands-on videos pop-up on your Facebook page or Instagram feed. Shot over-head and edited at a quicker pace, these videos show hands producing a recipe in roughly a minute or less.

Here are a few insights into why engaging video is the perfect medium to increase consumer engagement for food, and just about any other industry…

  • Google says while nearly half of all adults watch food videos on YouTube, millennials (ages 18 to 34) view the most food content, watching 30% more food content on YouTube, on average, than other demographics.
  • YouTube reports mobile video consumption rises 100% every year.
  • 92% of mobile video consumers share videos with others, according to Invodo.
  • Mist Media reports the average internet user spends 88% more time on a site with video.
  • According to a report published by Forrester, including video in an email leads to a whopping 200-300% increase in click-through rate.

That’s why we are super excited to launch TᾱSTIR, Ketchum’s hands-on video offering. Ketchum TᾱSTIR delivers value through proven analytics, optimized targeting and better food styling.

We’ve already begun to turn concept into reality with some exciting projects for clients like Libby’s and The American Egg Board.

To learn more about how Ketchum TᾱSTIR can help you stir-up conversations through snackable content, contact me here.