Hydrating for the Holidays, and Other Seasonal Advice

What are some simple things consumers can do to integrate wellness into their busy holiday schedules and make sure they’re doing joyful things for themselves, not just for others?


The holidays are full of temptations, toxins, and stressors that all bring you out of balance! Most of these things you cannot control, but what you can do is add in some self-care to counteract these stressors and bring you back to balance. A Vitamin IV to boost your immune system before you jump on a flight, an infrared sauna to sweat out the toxins that you may have had at a holiday party, or an adjustment after getting off a long flight to get your body properly moving—these should all be an integral part of your regimen.


Around the holidays, everyone’s diet and health regimen is compromised (the parties, the late nights, the sweets)—and it’s okay! It is so important to have a healthy relationship with food and be okay with slipping up every now and then. However, the key to really offsetting these indulgences is fasting. I do this every day, but this is an easy thing to implement no matter where you are, if you are traveling or with any schedule. Try to just eat within an 8-hour window (mine is 11am–7pm). Not only will this give your digestive system a break daily break, but it will help eliminate inflammation and give your body a daily cleanse. If you really overdid it or ate really late, just shift your eating time frame accordingly.


I know you have probably heard this a million times, but here is why it is even more important to drink extra water during the holidays. First, did you know that, when you are flying, the low humidity levels on the plane will make you even more dehydrated? A three-hour flight can shed up to 1.5 liters of water from the body. Not only will your flights dehydrate you, so will your alcoholic beverages, as well as your daily coffee that is getting you through the holidays. Dehydration levels will alter your energy, increase pain in your body, decrease digestion, and also negatively affect your aesthetic appearance. No one wants any of these!

And what should brands be mindful of when marketing their products and services to wellness consumers in an authentic and meaningful way during this key selling season—without coming across as “using well to sell?”

  • People need to understand that their body and health is their number one asset. Help them remember that they should be investing in themselves.
  • Talk about the “Remedy Place” philosophy of balance. Life stressors may be impossible to eliminate, so any product that will offset that stress and bring their consumer back to balance is key.
  • Don’t try to sell shortcuts in health. They don’t exist! To be healthy takes work, so tell them the truth and allow your product to help them on their journey.
  • Give back! I am always more likely to buy something when I see they are giving profits to a specific organization that I like.
  • Be honest and try to make a difference. This is so important with messaging. There is nothing worse than a generic message, especially one that is inauthentic.

Learn more about Ketchum’s Wellness Council and check out these additional holiday posts from other Wellness Council members:

Looking to get a handle on wellness trends for 2020? Sign up to register for our upcoming Wellness Council webinar.