Facebook certainly turned things upside down this week didn’t they?
I’m pretty excited to see the evolution of the site over the next couple of weeks, primarily because some incredibly cool functionality is going to come out. It will be great to see how said functionality impacts businesses, and the new opportunies that will be created.
Given that you’ve likely seen a gazillion tweets/new articles about Facebook, we’ve left them out of this week’s roundup, but there’s some other great information for you to check out.
- By @AndradaMorar “Me likey. Home Depo employees, center of gravity around content creation and customer interaction. It pays off adage.com/u/VhDfpa #in”
- By @adanzis “New study says most of us enjoy texting over actual verbal conversations. I personally prefer tweeting more… cbsloc.al/mRwVbG“
- By @MylesTW “Prob 1/2 his age too. RT @CNET: Bill Gates is still the richest person in America, but Zuckerberg climbs quickly: cnet.co/p7HJlm“
- By @RyanShell “Twitter Unveils Political Ads; Romney First One to Test Promoted Placements” http://ht.ly/6BFpd“
- By @JonathanKopp “Is Marketing Ruining the Internet? Join the debate at
#Ketchum‘s “Respect the Internet” II, Oct. 6. http://bit.ly/qiS6Bl#socialweb“
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