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Warning to Public Regarding Scams

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Ketchum is issuing this warning to the public to be alert for job recruitment scams, cryptocurrency scams, fraudulent offers, and fraudulent communications by individuals or entities purporting to be affiliated with Ketchum. Neither Ketchum nor its affiliates are in any way associated or affiliated with these fraudulent individuals or entities.

Please be aware that neither Ketchum nor its affiliates would ever request financial information in connection with a job posting, or provide compensation for any position in the form of cryptocurrencies. Nor would Ketchum nor its affiliates ever contact you to ask for personal or financial information, such as usernames, passwords, PINs, or credit or debit card numbers. If you have been contacted by anyone purporting to be acting on behalf of or in connection with Ketchum with offers of employment, or opportunities where payment in provide in cryptocurrency, please do not respond.

If you believe you have been the victim of a fraud, please report it to the FTC by visiting https://reportfraud.ftc.gov/#/. Victims of financial scams should also contact their local FBI office via the Internet Crime Complaint Center at https://www.ic3.gov/. If you reside in the United Kingdom, please report any incident to Action Fraud, the UK’s national fraud and cyber-crime reporting center, via their website or by contacting 0300 123 2040. If you are based outside of the U.S. or the U.K., we encourage you to report instances of fraud or scams to your local authorities.