
Posts:December 2010, Media

Big Personality Newscasters and Partisan News Sites Are Fragmenting Our World

Big Personality Newscasters and Partisan News Sites Are Fragmenting Our World

by Robert Burnside| December 9, 2010

Welcome to our brave new future: the only broadcast news we’ll get is from people with big egos, who are their own semi-celebrity brand and who tell us news with their personal slant, and the only journalist news we’ll get is from partisan news sites that are promoting their views of the world. This view […]

If You Haven't Checked into Foursquare, Now's the Time . . .

If You Haven't Checked into Foursquare, Now's the Time . . .

by Alan Danzis| December 7, 2010

Foursquare, the mobile application that lets you check in to real locations to unlock virtual badges and real-world incentives and discounts, hit four million users recently.  What’s important to note is Foursquare went from three million users to four million in 50 days according to GigaOm. It took them about a year to hit the […]